Rebecca Poulter, Intuitive Animal Communicator & Channelcontact Menu home testimonials about vita contact appointments M.I.A. payment Feel free to contact me if you have trouble requesting an appointment through the scheduler, or with any questions you may have: Phone: 828.216.1813 (text) Email: Mail: P.O. Box 16035 Asheville, NC 28816 Thank you! * Contact 828.216.1813rpoulterAC@gmail.comP.O. Box 16035Asheville, NC 28816*request an appointment here* Rates $140 for an hour$110 for 45 mins$80 for 30 mins (follow-ups)$45 flower essence formula (shipped) *see payment options here* © 2021-2024 Rebecca Poulter | website by LL Consulting